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Birds You Cannot See  The Handsome Family

There are b[F]irds in the d[C]arkness
who do[G]use electrical f[C]ires[C/B]
Fl[Am]aring up in nursing homes
and the b[G]edrooms of blind men
B[C]irds you c[F]annot s[C]ee
There are b[F]irds in the d[C]arkness
who n[G]est in wooden cr[C]utche[C/B]s
E[Am]ye-patches and bandages,
br[G]oken spinal columns,
p[C]ots of w[F]ithered pl[C]ants
B[F]irds you cannot s[C]ee,
f[G]illing every tr[C]ee,
f[G]alling out of cl[C]osets
and p[F]erched on the h[C]ands of d[G]ying m[C]en
There are b[F]irds in the d[C]arkness
who l[G]ead lost dogs off h[C]ighways[C/B]
St[Am]eer boats past icebergs,
save ch[G]ildren stuck in wells
B[C]irds you c[F]annot s[C]ee
There are b[F]irds in the d[C]arkness
s[G]een by those with t[C]umors[C/B]
c[Am]ircling common light bulbs
with bl[G]ue feathered halos
a[C]nd the so[F]und of r[C]ain
B[F]irds you cannot s[C]ee,
f[G]illing every tr[C]ee,
f[G]alling out of cl[C]osets
and p[F]erched on the h[C]ands of d[G]ying m[C]en

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Am C C/B F G
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