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A Dark Eye  The Handsome Family

In the parking l[D]ot where I waited al[G]one
A white bird sat sl[C]eeping on a broken payph[G]one
And there came a black be[C]etle dragging off a green f[G]ly
Underneath a parked c[D]ar and then out of s[G]ight
And I felt a dark e[C]ye turn its gaze upon [G]me
As if the e[D]arth, the earth could s[G]ee[G/F#]
A dark [Em]eye, a dark e[G]ye
A dark e[D]ye fell on m[G]e
In the parking l[D]ot where a prairie once gr[G]ew
And through the tall gr[C]ass, the buffalo fl[G]ew
I heard something cr[C]ying way down bel[G]ow
Where the sewer lines sn[D]ake around Indian b[G]ones
In that parking l[D]ot, cars bake in the s[G]un
And somewhere down the r[C]oad, the pop of a g[G]un
I watched a red a[C]nt crawl up my sh[G]in
And I felt so s[D]ad until it bit my sk[G]in[G/F#]
A dark [Em]eye, a dark e[G]ye
A dark e[D]ye fell on m[G]e

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C D Em G G/F#
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