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Here She Comes  Slowdive

Intro: G D (x2) C B7 G
[G]It's so lo[D7]nely in this pl[G]ace
So [D7]cold I don't beli[C]eve[B7] [G]
And as no-[D7]one knows my na[G]me
It's e[D7]asy to prete[C]nd
It's [B7]easy to bel[Em]ieve[C] [G]
There's a sh[D7]adow on my wa[G]ll
It d[D7]ances like my s[C]oul
[B7]Dances like my s[G]oul[D7] [G] [D7] [C]
It's so c[B7]old now[Em]
I swear it will be w[C]arm
Here she [Gadd9]come now

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B7 C D7 Em G Gadd9
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