Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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Star  Sara Storer

Capo I
[D] [A] [Bm] [A]  
[G] [D] [A] [D]  
If [D]I could [A]be your [Bm]star
I would [A]bright and light your [G]world
I'd play a song on my gu[D]itar.[A]
Then [D]you could [A]be my [Bm]sky
a place where [A]I could shine than [G]hide
and fall into the [D]night.[A]
[G]If I was way out f[A]ar
Like a lighthouse in the d[D]ark
I'd shine an [A]everloving [Bm]light
I'd whisper [G]songs on my gui[A]tar.
[D] [G] [D]  
If [D]you could b[A]e my s[Bm]unrise
I'd wake to [A]find you by my [G]side
and gently hold you with my e[D]yes.[A]
The [D]I -d be your sun[Bm]set
I would [A]close down all the [G]bad,
but promise, the next best day ah[D]ead.
[A]Endless Coura[D]ge
[A]Discovers [G]why I
want to be in your [A]life.
repeat verse 1.
[D] [G] [D] [G]  
(I prefer to play the intro as the outro, as Sara's version
has alot of instrumentals to fill the bars out)

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A Bm D G
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