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Mud Hill  Samiam

Intro: Am(hold)
Am-C- x4
Verse 1:
[Dm] car windows [F]icing
[C]over[Dm] speaking s[F]team
with your [C]breath
[Dm] [F]through the floating
s[C]trands of your hair
[Dm] am i [F]just like the [C]rest[C] [G/B]
Refrain 1:
[Am] you say you [G]don't
want [F]anyone or
anything[Am] you say
this [G]hurts you [C]too[G]
[Am] i wouldn't [G]bother
but [F]this means
everything to me
[Am] so s[G]pare me-
Chorus 1:
-[C]now rehearse the
[Dm]words you say re[C/E]peat
them again as you
[F]see my driveway[C] while
searching for [Dm]something
more be[Am]yond this
[G]lonely [F]hill[Am] [C] [Am] [C] [Am] [C] [Am] [C]
Verse 2:
[Dm] i pre[F]tend to
[C]hear you [Dm]act as
if [F]i unders[C]tand
[Dm] i [F]try to con[C]vince
you i don't hate
you[Dm] but it's
[F]hard to [C]do[C] [G/B]
Refrain 2:
[Am] you say you
[G]don't want [F]anyone
or anything[Am] you
say this [G]hurts you
[C]too yeah [G]you too
[Am] i wouldn't [G]bother
but [F]this means
everything to
me[Am] so s[G]pare me-
Chorus 2:
-[C]now rehearse the
[Dm]words you say re[C/E]peat
them again as you
[F]see my driveway[C] while
searching for [Dm]something
more be[Am]yond this
[G]lonely [F]hill[F]
Guitar Solo:

Chorus 3:
[C] rehearse the
[Dm]words you say re[C/E]peat
them again as you
[F]see my driveway[C] while
searching for [Dm]something
more be[C/E]yond this
lonely [F]hill
[C] rehearse the
[Dm]words you say re[C/E]peat
them again as you
[F]see my driveway[C] while
searching for [Dm]something
more be[Am]yond this
G F F C(hold)
lonely hill

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Am C C/E Dm F G G/B
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