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The Last Song  Rihanna

Intro - | Em D | C |
H[G]ere We are
Mi[D]dair off of the cliff
S[Em]taring down at the end again
[C] But then again -
Maybe We're f[G]inally, on
The r[D]oad that's headed away
From all Your comp[Em]laining
Of hearing the same song
[C] But baby We'll hear it when I'm gone
It's time to turn on -
The last s[Em]ong [D]oh...[C]..
The last s[Em]ong [D]oh...[C]..
What if You w[G]asted love and Our love in time disapp[D]eared
And the [Em]sad song ends up b[D]eing the last song You'll e[C]ver hear
[G]It was Ours
[D]But I'd do it again
[Am]Holding hands with My friend again
[C] But then again -
Maybe we g[G]ave Our all
A [D]song We'll never forget
Maybe let them [Em]play it
Maybe it'll save the world
[C] They gon' miss hearing it when it's gone
But it's time to turn on -
The last s[Em]ong [D]oh...[C]..
The last s[Em]ong [D]oh...[C]..
What if We l[G]eft every moment that We could s[D]pare
And the p[Em]erfect song ends up b[D]eing the last song You'll [C]ever hear
[Am]You'll never know when the song's gonna play
[C]The last song You'll hear is the one You made
Your [Em]song was beautiful
That's why I started s[D]inging it
But t[C]his song is Our song, it's playing until the end
| Em ..
Even if it's the last song..
.. D | C |
| Em D | C |
| G | D |
| Em D | C |
The last s[Em]ong [D]oh...[C]..
The last s[Em]ong [D]oh...[C]..
What if You w[G]asted love and Our love in time disap[D]peared
And the p[Em]erfect song ends up b[D]eing the last song You'll [C]ever hear
| Em D | C |
| Em D | C | G | C |
| Em D | C |

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Am C D Em G
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