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Don't Let Your Sweet Love Die  Ricky Skaggs

Ricky Skaggs - Don't Let Your Sweet Love Die
[D]Don't let your sweet love die,
Like f[D7]lowers in the f[G]all,
Don't t[A7]ake away the smiles and leave the t[D]ears,
My heart believes in you,
Please [D7]say you'll love me t[G]rue,
Don't l[A7]eave me here to face the lonely y[D]ears,
(verse 1)
[D]I drifted all alone,
No o[D7]ne to call my o[G]wn,
And t[A7]hen you came like an angel from the [G]sky,
You s[D]aid we'd never part,
Don't l[D7]eave and break my h[G]eart,
Be m[A7]ine alone,
Don't let your sweet love d[D]ie,
[D]Don't let your sweet love die,
Like f[D7]lowers in the f[G]all,
Don't t[A7]ake away the smiles and leave the t[D]ears,
My heart believes in you,
Please [D7]say you'll love me t[G]rue,
Don't l[A7]eave me here to face the lonely y[D]ears,
(verse 2)
When flowers fade they say,
They'll bloom again some day,
Will you (A7) love me when the rosebuds open wide,
Or is your kiss to be,
Only a memory,
I need you so,
Don't let your sweet love die,
[E]Don't let your sweet love die,
Like f[E7]lowers in the f[A]all,
Wit[B7]hout life would be like death to [E]me[-],[B7]
I've grown so used to you,
I c[E7]an't believe we're t[A]hrough,
Be m[B7]ine alone,
Don't let your sweet love d[E]ie,
[E]Don't let your sweet love die,
Like f[E7]lowers in the f[A]all,
Wit[B7]hout life would be like death to [E]me[-],[B7]
I've grown so used to you,
I c[E7]an't believe we're t[A]hrough,
De m[B7]ine alone,
Don't let your sweet love d[E]ie,
I n[B7]eed you so don't let your sweet love [E]die,

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A A7 B7 D D7 E E7 G
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