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Ballad of a Politician  Regina Spektor

A [Cm]man inside a r[Fm]oom is shaking h[Ab]ands with other m[D]en
T[Cm]his is how it h[Ab]appens
Our c[G]arefully laid p[Cm]lans
[Verse 1] 
S[Cm]hake it, shake it b[Ab]aby
Shake your a[G]ss out in that st[Cm]reet
You're go[Cm]ing to make 'em sc[Ab]ream someday
You're g[G]oing to make it [Cm]big
[Verse 2] 
You l[Cm]ove so d[Ab]eep, so t[Fm]ender
Your p[Cm]eople and your la[D]nd
You l[Cm]ove them until they c[Ab]an't recall
W[G]ho they are a[Cm]gain
[Verse 3] 
W[Cm]ork it, work it b[Ab]aby
Work your w[Bb]ay around that r[Eb]oom
You're go[Cm]ing to make it [Ab]big some day
You're go[G]ing to make a b[Cm]oom
[Verse 4] 
But I [Cm]am
But I am
But I [Ab]am not a n[Bb]umber, not a n[Eb]ame
But [Cm]I am
But I am
But [Ab]I am a c[G]arefully laid p[Cm]lan
[Verse 5] 
[Cm] Shake what your mama g[Ab]ave you
You k[Bb]now that it won't l[Eb]ast
[Cm] You're going to taste the g[Ab]round real soon
You're go[G]ing to taste the g[Cm]rass
A [Cm]man inside a r[Fm]oom is shaking h[Ab]ands with other m[D]en
T[Cm]his is how it h[Ab]appens
Our w[G]orld under com[Cm]mand
[Verse 6] 
S[Cm]hake it, shake it b[Ab]aby
Shake your a[G]ss out in that st[Cm]reet
You're go[Cm]ing to make us sc[Ab]ream someday
You're g[G]oing to make us w[Cm]eak
[Cm] You're going to make us sc[Ab]ream someday
You're go[G]ing to make it [Cm]big

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Ab Bb Cm D Eb Fm G
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