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Just a Closer Walk With Thee  Randy Travis

[G] [D] [D7] [G]  
[Verse 1] 
[G]I am weak but Thou art s[D]trong
Jesus [D7]keep me from all[G] wrong
I'll be [G7]satisfied as [C]long[A7]
as I [G]walk Dear [C]Lord, close t[G]o Thee
J[G]ust a closer walk with [D]Thee
Grant it[D7] Jesus, is my [G]plea
Daily wa[G7]lkin' close to[C] Thee[A7]
Let it [G]be, dear L[D]ord, let i[G]t be
[Verse 2] 
Th[G]rough this world of toils and [D]snares
If I [D7]falter Lord, who [G]cares?
Who [G7]with me my burden [C]share[A7]s?
None but[G] Thee, dear[C] Lord, none but[G] Thee
J[G]ust a closer walk with [D]Thee
Grant it[D7] Jesus, is my [G]plea
Daily wa[G7]lkin' close to[C] Thee[A7]
Let it [G]be, dear L[D]ord, let i[G]t be
[Verse 3] 
W[G]hen my feeble life is [D]o'er
And time f[D7]or me will be no[G] more
Guide me [G7]gently, safely[C] o'e[A7]r
To Thy k[G]ingdom dear L[D]ord, to Thy [G]shore
J[G]ust a closer walk with [D]Thee
Grant it[D7] Jesus, is my [G]plea
Daily wa[G7]lkin' close to[C] Thee[A7]
Let it [G]be, dear L[D]ord, let i[G]t be

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A7 C D D7 G G7
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