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My Way  Paul Anka

[Verse 1] 
[D/F#]And now, the end [F#m/A]is near
And so [Am6]I face, the final [B7]curtain
My fri[Em]end, I'll say it clea[Em7]r
I'll state my [A7]case, of which [D/F#]I'm certain
[Verse 2] 
[D/A]I've lived, a life th[D7]at's full
[G]I've traveled each, and [Gm]every highway
But mo[D/A]re, much [A7]more than this
I did it [G/B]my wa[D/F#]y
[Verse 3] 
[D/F#]Regrets, I've had[F#m/A] a few
But then [Am6]again, too few to [B7]mention
[Em]I did, what I had [Em7]to do
And saw [A7]it through, without [D/F#]exemption
[Verse 4] 
[D/A]I planned, each chartere[D7]d course
Each careful [G]step, along the [Gm]byway
[D/A]But more, much more [A7]than this
I did it [G/B]my wa[D/F#]y
[Verse 5] 
[D/F#]Yes, there were times, I'm sure [D7]you knew
When I bit [G]off, more than I could chew
But through [Em]it all, when there [A7]was doubt
I ate [F#m/A]it up, and spit it [Bm]out
I faced [Em]it all, and I stood [A7]tall
And did i[G/B]t my [D/F#]way
[Verse 6] 
[D/F#]I've loved, I've laughed [F#m/A]and cried
I've had [Am6]my fill, my share [B7]of losing
And [Em]now, as tea[Em7]rs subside
I find [A7]it all so[D/F#] amusing
[Verse 7] 
[D/A]To think, I did [D7]all that
And may[G] I say, not in [Gm]a shy way
Oh no,[D/F#] Oh no, not[A7] me
I did it [G/B]my wa[D/F#]y
[Verse 8] 
[D/F#]For what is a man, what has [D7]he got?
If not [G]himself, then he has naught
To say th[Em]e things, he tr[A7]uly feels
And not the [F#m/A]words, of one [Bm]who kneels
The rec[Em]ord shows, I to[A7]ok the blows
And did i[G/B]t my [D/F#]way

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A7 Am6 B7 Bm D/F# D7 Em Em7 F#m/A G G/B Gm
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