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Swimming to the Other Side  Pat Humphries

(Capo 3)
We are li[G]ving 'neath the great Big Di[D]pper
We are wa[Em]shed by the very same r[G]ain
We are swi[C]mming in the stream to[G]gether
Some in p[Em]ower and some in p[D]ain
We can wo[G]rship this ground we wa[D]lk on
Cherishing the bei[Em]ngs that we live be[D]side
Loving sp[C]irits will live fore[G]ver
We're all swi[C]mming to the ot[D]her s[G]ide
I am al[G]one and I am sea[D]rching, hungering for ans[Em]wers in my t[G]ime
I am ba[C]lanced at the brink of wi[G]sdom
I'm imp[Em]atient to receive a s[D]ign
I move f[G]orward with my senses o[D]pen
Impe[Em]rfection, it be my cr[G]ime
In hu[C]mility, I will li[G]sten
We're all swim[C]ming to the o[D]ther s[G]ide
On this jou[G]rney through thoughts and fee[D]lings
Binding in[Em]tuition, my head, my h[G]eart
I am gath[C]ering the tools to[G]gether. I'm pr[Em]eparing to do my p[D]art
All of t[G]hose who have come be[D]fore me
Band to[Em]gether and be my g[G]uide
Loving le[C]ssons that I will fo[G]llow,
We're all swim[C]ming to the ot[D]her s[G]ide
When we g[G]et there we'll di[D]scover
All of the g[Em]ifts we've been given t[G]o share
Have been w[C]ith us since life's begi[G]nning
And we never n[G]oticed they were th[D]ere
We can ba[G]lance at the brink of wisd[D]om
Never recogni[Em]zing that we've arr[G]ived
Loving spi[C]rits will live toge[G]ther
We're all swi[C]mming to the ot[D]her s[G]ide

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