Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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Sister  The Nixons


Be sure and tune down 1/2 step. Also, notice the fretting for the 'C' used,
it is a little different than what you may be used to.
G - [E]3 [A]2 [D]0 [G]0 [B]0 [E]3
D - x 0 0 2 3 2
Em - 0 2 2 0 0 0
Am - x 0 2 2 1 0
C - x 3 2 0 3 0 (Use 3rd fret on 'b-string' instead of 1st)
[G]Here I am agai[D]n agai[Em]n, overwhelmed with feeling.
[G]Thousand miles away[D] From your [Em]ocean home.
[Am]Part of me is [C]near.
[G]Thoughts of what we wer[D]e Inva[Em]de.
[G]Miles that stand betwee[D]n Can't [Em]separate.
You're [Am]all I hoped you'd [C]become...
[Am]Dancing on the stage Of [C]memory
[G]Fleeting visits pa[D]ss Still they [Em]satisfy.
[G]Reminders of the ne[D]xt Overshadow [Em]good - bye.
[Am]Our flames burn as [C]one.
[G]All I am be[C]gins with you.
[Am]Thoughts of hope [C]understood.
[G]Half of me [C]breaths in you.
[Am]Thoughts of love [C]remain true.
G (Muted) D Em
Here we are again saying good - bye.
G (Muted) D Em
Still we'll fall asleep underneath the same sky (your all I see).
Your [Am]all I knew you'd [C]become.
Intert[G]wined you and [D]I.
Our soul[Am]s speak from acros[C]s the miles.
Inter[G]twined you and [D]I.
Our bl[Am]ood flows from the [C]same in - side.
[G]All I have [D]begins with you.
[Am]Thoughts of hope [C]understood.
[G]Half of me [D]breaths in you.
[Am]Thoughts of love [C]remain [G] true.[D] [Am]
When I, [C] when I close my eyes,
[G]I see you walking there,[D]
 Am C e--0--------------|
 I see you dancing in my mind. b-----3-----------|

"This is for the girlfriends, mothers, fathers, brothers
and most of all, for the Sisters"
- the lead singer Zack
as hear on the nixon's rainmaker recording Halo
[G]Here I am aga[D-Dsus4]in...agai[Em]n, overwhelming feelings[C].
A[G] thousand miles a[D-Dsus4]way from you[Em]r ocean hom[C]e.
[Am]Part of me is[C] near.
Th[G]oughts of what we [D-Dsus4]were...inv[Em]ade.[C]
Th[G]e miles that stand be[D-Dsus4]tween...can't [Em]separate.[C]
You'r[Am]e all i hoped you'd b[C]ecome.
S[G]ister i s[D-Dsus4]ee you,
[Am]dancing on the stage of[C] memories.
[G]Sister i miss [D]you.
[G]Fleeting bridges [D-Dsus4]pass...still they s[Em]atisfy.[C]
[G]Reminders of the[D-Dsus4] next ove[Em]rshadowed good bye[C].
[Am]Our flames burn as[C] one.
[G]Sister i s[D-Dsus4]ee you,
D[Am]ancing on the stage of [C]memories.
[G]Sister i mis[D-Dsus4]s you.
Al[Em]l i am b[C]egins with you,
[Em]thoughts of hope [G]understood.
hal[Em]f of[C]lieves in you.
[Em]Thoughts of love rem[C]ain true.
[G]Here we are [D-Dsus4][Em]ying good______ bye.
[G]Still we'll fall asl[D]eep underneath the [Em]same sky.
[Am]You're all i knew you'd beco[C]me...
[G]Sister i s[D-Dsus4]ee you, da[Am]ncing on the stage of m[C]emories.
[G]Sister i [D]miss you.
[G]Intertwined, you a[D]nd i our [Em]souls scream from [C]across the miles.
[G]Intertwined, [D]you and i [Em]our blood flows from the [C]same_____ i[G]nside______
________________(one keeps singing inside, while second comes in with the
[G]All i am b[D]egins with you, th[Em]oughts of love un[C]derstood.
[Am]half of me[C] believes in you; t[G]houghts of love r[D]emain______
[G]I see you!
[D]I see you____________,
[Em]when i close my eyes_________,
I[G] see you walking there,
[D]i feel you walking in my __________
Okay, that looks like all of it. if it is cr*ppy, it's my fault, but who
could blame me? I'd like to say "i'm sorry" to The Nixons, whos song, i
have probably destroyed.
Send comments to :
Joshua C Wiese
The Nixons
I was lookin' for this song around the net, so i decide to tab it out
OK, the tunning it's the normal one : EADGBE
F# : 244322
C# : 446664
Ebm : 668876
Abm : 477444
B : 224442
[F#]Here I am a[C#]gain, a[Ebm]gain
overhelmed with feeling.
[F#]Thousand miles a[C#]way
[Abm]Part of me is [B]near.
[F#]Thoughts of what we [C#]were i[Ebm]nvade
[F#]Miles that stand be[C#]tween, can't se[Ebm]parate.
Yo[Abm]u're all I hope you'd [B]become.
[F#]Sister I s[C#]ee you
[Abm]Dancing on the stage of [B]memory
[F#]Sister I m[C#]iss you
[F#]Fleeting visits [C#]pass, still they [Ebm]satisfy.
[F#]Reminders of the[C#] next, overshadow[Ebm] goodbye.
[Abm]Our flames burn as [B]one.
[F#]All I am b[B]egins with you
[Abm]Thougths of hope [B]understood.
[F#]Half of me b[B]elives in you
[Abm]Thoughts of love re[B]main true.
[F#]Here we are a[C#]gain saying g[Ebm]oodbye.
[F#]Still we?ll fall asl[C#]eep
underneath th[Ebm]e same sky(your all I see)
[Abm]Your all I knew you'd [B]become.
Inter[F#]wined you an[C#]d I
Our s[Ebm]ouls speak from acr[B]oss the miles.
Inter[F#]wined you and[C#] I
Our b[Ebm]lood flows from the [B]same in side
[F#]All I am begin[C#]s with you
[Ebm]Thoughts of hope [B]understood.
[F#]Half of me [C#]belives in you.
[Ebm]Thougths of love re[B]main true [F#]I see you, [C#]I feel you, [Ebm]I see you
When I, w[B]hen I close my e[F#]yes
I see you w[C#]alking there,
I see you dancing[Ebm] in my mind[B].

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A Abm Am B C C# D E Ebm Em F# G
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