Yours Forever New Creation Church
(Verse 1)
[C#m]I wait on You[E]
Jesus, You sa[C#m]tisfy my heart[A] and soul
[C#m]Your tenderne[E]ss
You give to [C#m]me in Your embrace[A]
And to Yo[F#m]u I belong[A]
By Your gr[F#m]ace You have calle[A]d me Your own
(Verse 2)
[C#m]You cover me[E]
You keep me sa[C#m]fe and sound und[A]er Your wings
[C#m]Your peace and rest[E]
You give to [C#m]me by Your sacrifice[A]
[E]Jesus, I am You[B]rs forever
[C#m]Close to Your heart
Held [A]safe in Your hand
I�??[E]m carried high upo[B]n Your shoulders
[C#m]Nothing can take Your love aw[A]ay from [C#m]me
[C#m]I am Yours, [E]I am Yours, [C#m]I am Yours and You[A]rs alone
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