Spring Breakdown Luke Bryan
[C] [G] [D] [C] [G] [D]
[Verse 1]
[C]It's been a real good run, P[G6/E]laying out here in the sun
Year af[D]ter year, beer after beer, [C]I've watched this crowd grow
[G6/E]I swear y'all don't know what ya m[D]ean to me
It's been something to see
I rem[C]ember when we started this [G6/E]week long party
And to t[D]hink that it's over
It makes me wanna spring bre[C]akdown
Just thi[G6/E]nking about all our good times toge[D]ther
And how we ro[G6/E]cked thi[D]s tow[C]n
And I w[G6/E]ish it could last for[D]ever and ever
Ohh but the sand runs o[C]ut, And we roll back h[G6/E]ome
And just thinking bout h[D]ow, This is our last song
I'm bout to [G6/E]spring br[D]eakdow[C]n[G6/E] [D]
[Verse 2]
[C]Next year I'll go through pictures
[G6/E]Wishing I was down there with ya hang[D]ing out
It'll kill me then, but I'm here right now
[C]So let's raise up our cups
[G6/E]Can't throw 'em up high enough
[D]Let me buy you one last round
Before I [G6/E]spring br[D]eakdow[C]n
Just th[G6/E]inking about all our good times toget[D]her
And how we ro[G6/E]cked thi[D]s tow[C]n
And I w[G6/E]ish it could last forev[D]er and ever
But the sand runs o[C]ut, And we roll back h[G6/E]ome
And just thinking bout h[D]ow, This is our last song
I'm bout to sp[G6/E]ring bre[D]akdow[C]n
We made this [G6/E]sun tan city yea all[D] of y'all's
Sing-a-long so l[G6/E]oud, [D]
We took this b[C]each town over
[G6/E]Y'all don't know it might sound cra[D]zy
But y'all gonna make me s[G6/E]pring br[D]eakdow[C]n
Just th[G6/E]inking about all our good times toget[D]her
And how we ro[G6/E]cked thi[D]s tow[C]n
And I w[G6/E]ish it could last forev[D]er and ever
Ohh but the sand runs o[C]ut, And we roll back [G6/E]home
And just thinking bout h[D]ow, This is our last song
I'm bout to sp[G6/E]ring bre[D]akdow[C]n
Swear I'm bout to s[G6/E]pring br[D]eakdown[C]
[G6/E]Y'all up there on them shoulders
The g[G]ood and bad han[D]govers
I'm bout to sp[G6/E]ring br[D]eakdow[C]n
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