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Red Dress  Lucy Hale

[Intro]: G D A D G D A
If I cl[G]ose my e[D]yes, and im[A]agine you are h[D]ere
It'll l[G]ast for awh[D]ile, before you di[A]sappear
So I cl[G]ose my e[D]yes, cause the [A]only thing I f[D]ear
Is w[G]aking up one day, forg[D]etting you were ever h[A]ere
Darling it's y[G]ou I remember with your r[D]ed dress on
D[A]ancing in the moonlight till the br[Bm]eak of dawn
It's y[G]ou I remember d[D]ancing with your red dress [A]on
And baby it's y[G]ou I remember when I h[D]ear that song
S[A]inging out the chorus till your v[Bm]oice was gone
It's y[G]ou I remember [D]every time I hear that s[A]ong[G] [D] [A]
Not a d[G]ay goes b[D]y, without th[A]inking that I see
Your f[G]ace in the cr[D]owd, turning away[A] from me
So the d[G]ays go b[D]y, like a r[A]e-occurring dr[Bm]eam
Where e[G]very night ends with the s[D]ame old memor[A]y
And baby it's y[G]ou I remember when I h[D]ear that song
S[A]inging out the chorus till your v[Bm]oice was gone
It's y[G]ou I remember [D]every time I hear that s[A]ong
Darling it's y[G]ou I remember with your r[D]ed dress on
D[A]ancing in the moonlight till the br[Bm]eak of dawn
It's y[G]ou I remember d[D]ancing with your red dress [A]on
Dancing with your red dress [G]on[D] [A]
[Bm]I don't know the game we're playi[A]ng, you and I were on to somethi[Em]ng
How did we fall apart, without [Bm]asking ourselves wh[A]y
[Bm]Looking back I can't help thinki[A]ng, if somehow I had just stopped runni[Em]ng
I would have held you close, and n[Bm]ever said goodb[A]ye
Darling it's y[G]ou I remember with your r[D]ed dress on
D[A]ancing in the moonlight till the br[Bm]eak of dawn
It's y[G]ou I remember d[D]ancing with your red dress [A]on
And baby it's y[G]ou I remember when I h[D]ear that song
S[A]inging out the chorus till your v[Bm]oice was gone
It's y[G]ou I remember [D]every time I hear that s[A]ong
Darling it's y[G]ou I remember with your r[D]ed dress on
D[A]ancing in the moonlight till the br[Bm]eak of dawn
It's y[G]ou I remember d[D]ancing with your red dress [A]on
And baby it's y[G]ou I remember when I h[D]ear that song
S[A]inging out the chorus till your v[Bm]oice was gone
It's y[G]ou I remember [D]every time I hear that s[A]ong
Dancing with your red dress [G]on[D] (o[A]ooh)
Dancing with your red dress [G]on[D] [A]

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A Bm D Em G
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