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Nervous Girls  Lucy Hale

<i></i>Capo 4 let me know if theres any mistakes :)
I'm that girl [D]you think that's got it figured out.
But I walk around[A], with a head full of doubt.
The cruelest words [G]about me, come from my own mouth - la da de, la de da.
Yeah I'm that girl, [D]who wants what I ain't got who looks in the mirror, and
sees al[A]l that I'm not.
Wish I could jum[G]p off that reckless train of thought - la da de, la de da.
[D]Well it's a [A]cruel, cruel wo[G]rld.
[A]For Collie and her [G]golden, home-coming [D]crown.
F[A]or Penny's dirty[G] secret getting spread all [D]over town.
[A]For Hanna and he[G]r skinny jeans, so damn scared[D] to eat.
[BM]Well the DJ haunts the halls,
And the b[G]oys they never call,
And I[D] guess we're [A]all the same after all.
Ner[D]vous girls.
Well I'm [D]that girl who gave my heart up,
Got clos[A]e to picture perfect, or at least close enough to watch the pieces
scat[G]ter, them pick 'em all up.
La da de, la de da.
Oh but [A]I still believe in love.
For Heather waiting tables, [G]tryna pick up fro[D]m the past.
[A]For Jenny with tha[G]t diamond ring and a vow that did[D]n't last.
[A]For Alice turning thi[G]rty, lookin through that lookin gla[D]ss.
[BM]Well the DJ haunts the halls,
And[G] the boys they never call,
[D]And I guess we're all th[A]e same after all.
Ner[D]vous girls.
I'm scared and[D] I'm brave, or somewhere between the two.
I'm beautifully[A] strong, and tragically confused.
Yeah I'm [G]that girl, that's just like you.
We[BM]ll the DJ haunts the halls,
And [G]when the boys finally call...
[D]We're not sure[A] that we w[D]ant 'em after all.
[D]Nervous girls, nervous girls, nervous girls, nervous girls.

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