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Loved  Lucy Hale

D A G (x2)
(Verse 1)
[D]I don't need a hundred [A]roses waiting by the [G]front door
[D]I don't need a fancy [A]house in the [G]hills
[D]You could rope the moon and [A]bring me all the stars in [G]heaven
[A]It won't change how I [B7]feel
(Verse 2)
[D]You don't have to be a [A]modern-day [G]Shakespeare
[D]You don't have to be [A]anything you're n[G]ot
[D]You don't have to give me [A]diamonds to im[G]press me
[G]Just give me your [A7]heart
(Chorus 1)
Make me feel [D]loved, make me feel [A]beautiful
Make me feel [Bm]dance-around-the-room,[A] Cinderella kind of[G] magical
Make me bel[D]ieve I'm all that you'll [A]ever need
[Bm]Hold me close and make me[A] feel a million kinds of w[G]onderful
Baby, your [Em]touch, it's more than e[A]nough
Make me feel[D] l[A]ov[G]ed[G] [D] [A] [G]
(Verse 3)
[D]It's the way you bring me [A]coffee in the [G]morning
And [D]how you know just [A]what not to [G]say
[D]I don't need you to [A]try and fix [G]everything
[G]When I've had a bad d[A7]ay
(Chorus 2)
Make me feel [D]loved, make me feel [A]beautiful
Make me feel [Bm]dance-around-the-room,[A] Cinderella kind of[G] magical
Make me bel[D]ieve I'm all that you'll [A]ever need
[Bm]Hold me close and make me[A] feel a million kinds of w[G]onderful
Baby, your [Em]touch, it's more than e[A]nough
Make me feel[Bm] lo[A]ve[G]d[G] [A] [A7] [Em] [Em] [G] [G] [Em] [Em] [A] [A7]
(Chorus 3) (For the first part of the 3rd chorus(from "Make me Feel Loved" until "Kind of Magical" you should
do something more calm like a fingering pattern.)
Make me feel [D]loved, make me feel [A]beautiful
Make me feel [Bm]dance-around-the-room,[A] Cinderella kind of[G] magical
Make me bel[D]ieve I'm all that you'll [A]ever need
[Bm]Hold me close and make me[A] feel a million kinds of w[G]onderful
Baby, your [Em]touch, it's more than e[A]nough
Make me feel[D] l[A]ov[G]ed[G] [D] [A] [G]

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A A7 B7 Bm D Em G
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