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If You Go  Jon Secada

[Em] [A] [G] [A]  
[Bm]Taking a [D]day at a [A]time
[Bm]Dealing with f[D]eelings I do[A]n't wanna hide
[Bm]Learning to l[D]ove as I [A]go baby
[Bm]Without taking [D]you along f[A]or a ride
[D]Tried to find my[A]self, tried to find the [D]truth
Get out from this [A]shell, girl I'm almo[D]st there[A]
To s[D]how you how much I r[A]eally care
If you [D]go, say good[A]bye
There'll be [Em]something missing in my [Bm]life
'Cause you k[D]now t[Bm]hat all I really want is [G]you[A]
[Bm]Sorry if [D]you felt mis[A]led [Bm]but I know what I [D]feel
I k[A]now what I said, baby
[Bm]God I hope you bel[D]ieve, [A]believe in all that we can be
[Bm]The future [D]in us, to[A]gether in love
[D]You're the reason [A]I'm strong
Don't you think I don't [D]know
This is where I bel[A]ong, give me t[D]he t[A]ime
To [D]say that you're mine, to [A]say that you're mine
If you [D]go, say good[A]bye
There'll be [Em]something missing in my [Bm]life
'Cause you k[D]now t[Bm]hat all I really want is [G]you
[A]All I really want is you
If you [D]go, say good[A]bye
There'll be [Em]something missing in my [Bm]life
'Cause you k[D]now t[Bm]hat all I really want is [G]you
[Bm] [A] [D] [Bm] [A] [D]  
[D]Tried to find my[A]self, tried to find the [D]truth
Get out from this [A]shell, girl I'm almo[D]st there[A]
So l[D]et me show you, so l[A]et me show you
If you [D#]go, say good[Bb]bye
There'll be [Fm]something missing in my [Cm]life
'Cause you k[D#]now th[Cm]at all I really want is y[G#]ou
If you [D#]go, say good[Bb]bye
There'll be [Fm]something missing in my [Cm]life
'Cause you k[D#]now th[Cm]at all I really want is y[G#]ou
If you [D#]go, say good[Bb]bye
There'll be [Fm]something missing in my [Cm]life
'Cause you k[D#]now th[Cm]at all I really want is y[G#]ou

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A Bb Bm Cm D D# Em Fm G G#
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