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Farther Along  Johnny Cash

[Verse 1}
[C]Tempted and tried we're [F]oft made to won[C]der
Why it should be thus [D]all the day [G]long
While there are [C]others [F]living [C]about us
Never molested [G7]though in the [C]wrong
Farther along we'll [F]know all about [C]it
Farther along we'll [D]understand [G]why
Cheer up my [C]brother [F]live in the [C]sunshine
We'll understand it [G7]all by and [C]by
[Verse 2}
[C]When death has come and t[F]aken our loved o[C]nes
It leaves our homes so [D]lonely and [G]drear
[C]Then do we wonder why [F]others [C]prosper
Living so wicked [G7]year after [C]year
Farther along we'll [F]know all about [C]it
Farther along we'll [D]understand [G]why
Cheer up my [C]brother [F]live in the [C]sunshine
We'll understand it [G7]all by and [C]by
[Verse 3}
[C]When we see Jesus [F]coming in gl[C]ory
When he comes down [D]from his home in the [G]sky
[C]Then we shall meet h[F]im in that bright m[C]ansion
We'll understand it [G7]all by and [C]by
Farther along we'll [F]know all about [C]it
Farther along we'll [D]understand [G]why
Cheer up my [C]brother [F]live in the [C]sunshine
We'll understand it [G7]all by and [C]by

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C D F G G7
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