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Gimme Some Truth  John Lennon

Capo on 3rd fret
[D]I'm sick and tired of h[F#m]earing things from u[D7]ptight, short-sighted narrow-minded hypocritics
[G]All I want is the tr[A]uth
[G]Just gimme some tr[A]uth
[D]I've had enough of rea[F#m]ding things by neu[D7]rotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians
[G]All I want is the tr[A]uth
[G]Just gimme some trut[A]h
[C]No short-haired yellow-bellied son of Tricky Dicky's gonna mother hubbard
soft-soap me with just a pocketful of h[Bb]ope
Money for d[F]ope, money for r[G]ope
Solo over verse chords
[C]No short-haired yellow-bellied son of Tricky Dicky's gonna mother hubbard
soft-soap me with just a pocketful of h[Bb]ope
Money for d[F]ope, money for ro[G]pe
[D]I'm sick to death of se[F#m]eing things from tig[D7]ht-lipped condescending mommies little chauvinists
[G]All I want is the tr[A]uth
[G]Just gimme some tr[A]uth
[D]I've had enough of wat[F#m]ching scenes by sch[D7]izophrenic egocentric paranoia prima donnas
[G]All I want is the tr[A]uth
[G]Just gimme some tr[A]uth
[C]No short-haired yellow-bellied son of Tricky Dicky's gonna mother hubbard
soft-soap me with just a pocketful of h[Bb]ope
Money for do[F]pe, money for ro[G]pe
[D]I'm sick and tired of he[F#m]aring things from upt[D7]ight, short-sighted narrow-minded hypocritics
[G]All I want is the tr[A]uth
[G]Just gimme some tr[A]uth
[D]I've had enough of rea[F#m]ding things by neu[D7]rotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians
[G]All I want is the tru[A]th
[G]Just gimme some tru[A]th
[G]All I want is the t[A]ruth now
[G]Just gimme some trut[A]h now
[G]All I want is the tr[A]uth
[G]Just gimme some tru[A]th (fade)
[G]All I want is the t[A]ruth
[G]Just gimme some tr[A]uth
[G]All I want is the t[A]ruth

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A Bb C D D7 F F#m G
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