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Today  John Hartford

John Hartford
Looks At Life
Banjo tuned Eb, Capo 4, Key of: E
Lost[E] forever, i[A]s yester[E]day
And I don't believe in to[B7]morrow
I u[E]sed to dream of a pot[A] of gold
And [E]it only bro[B7]ught me so[E]rrow
I used to think that the road stretched on
'Til it went this whole world round
But now I've learned to live my life
Before the sun goes down
For tomorrow, when it finally comes
When the curtain of dawn fades away
The oh so many, are crushed to dust
When they find there is nothing but today
And every day, I grow and die
As though it might be my last
And kiss the minute with a thankful smile
And turn my back on the past
And wink at tomorrow, it don't scare me
I only live in today
While you might sit with your fingers crossed
And watch it all fade away

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A B7 E
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