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You Can Close Your Eyes  James Taylor


You Can Close Your Eyes
(James Taylor) (c) 1971 Blackwood Music
[D] [G] [A4] [A7] [D] [G] [A4]  

Well, the [D]sun is surely [G]sink[D]ing [A]down
Em Bm A G, Em A7sus4
But the moon is slowly ris-ing
So [D]this old world must [G]still be [D]spinning '[A]round
And [Em]I s[Bm]till [A]love [D]you[G] [D/E] [A] [D]
So [G]close [Em7]your [Ass4]eyes[A7]
[C]You can close [G]your eyes, it's all ri[Bm]ght
[Em]I don't know no l[Ass4]ove s[A7]ongs
And [C]I can't sing the [G]blues anymo[Bm]re
But [Em]I can [D/F#]sing this [G]song
And [Em]you can [D/F#]sing this [G]song [A]when I'm [Bm]gone
[Em7] [F#m7] [G] [Em7] [A7sus4] [A]  
It won't be long before another day
We're gonna have a good time
And no one's gonna take that time away
You can stay as long as you like
Ending: D G A7sus4, D G Em7 A7 D.
[D] [G] [A] [D] [G] [F#] [A]  
[A]Well the [D]sun is surely [G]sin[D]kin' [A]down
And the [Em]moon is [Bm]slowly [A]ris[G]in'[Em] [A]
So [D]this old world must [G]still be [D]spinnin' [A]round
And [Em]I [Bm]still [A]love [G]you[D] [A] [D]
CHORUS: So [G]close [F#]your [A]eyes
| C G Bm
| You can close your eyes, it's all right
| Em A
| I don't know no love songs
| C G Bm
| And I can't sing the blues any more
| Em F#m7 G
| But I can sing this song
| Em F#m7 G
| And you can sing this song
| A Bm Em F#m7 G A
| When I'm gone.
[A]It [D]won't be long be[G]fore a[D]nother d[A]ay
[Em]We gonna [Bm]have a [A]good [G]time[Em] [A]
And [D]no one's gonna [G]take that [D]time a[A]way
[Em]You can [Bm]stay as [A]long as you [G]like[D] [A] [D]
You Can Close Your Eyes
(James Taylor) (c) 1971 Blackwood Music
[D] [G] [A4] [A7] [D] [G] [A4]  

Well, the [D]sun is surely [G]sink[D]ing [A]down
Em Bm A G, Em A7sus4
But the moon is slowly ris-ing
So [D]this old world must [G]still be [D]spinning '[A]round
And [Em]I s[Bm]till [A]love [D]you[G] [D/E] [A] [D]
So [G]close [Em7]your [Ass4]eyes[A7]
[C]You can close [G]your eyes, it's all ri[Bm]ght
[Em]I don't know no l[Ass4]ove s[A7]ongs
And [C]I can't sing the [G]blues anymo[Bm]re
But [Em]I can [D/F#]sing this [G]song
And [Em]you can [D/F#]sing this [G]song [A]when I'm [Bm]gone
[Em7] [F#m7] [G] [Em7] [A7sus4] [A]  
It won't be long before another day
We're gonna have a good time
And no one's gonna take that time away
You can stay as long as you like
Ending: D G A7sus4, D G Em7 A7 D.

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A A4 A7 A7sus4 Bm C D D/E D/F# Em Em7 F# F#m7 G
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