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Queen of the World  Ida Maria

[F]Whiskey please, I [C]ne[G]ed some wh[F]iskey please
So [C]brin[G]g me c[F]onsciousness and [C]kil[G]l my[F] innocence
[F]Please lay you[C]r [G]ey[F]es on me
[C]Le[G]ad me [F]in the dance
[C]Give me [G]no chance to [F]reconsider....[G]reconsider
[C]I'm the queen of the world
I bump int[Am]o things
I spin around in circl[F]es
And I am [Dm]singing
And I'm singing well I'm sin[G]ging
[C]Why can't I stay like this
Dear[Am] God
Oh, Let me [F]be young
Let me [Dm]stay please
Oh, L[G]et me stay like this Oohhoh
[F]Bring me home
I [C]got no pl[G]ans for tom[F]orrow
I [C]got no pl[G]ans for tom[F]orrow
I [C]got no p[G]lans in sig[F]ht
In fact I'm f[F]ree this week
I'm [C]fr[G]ee[F] this month
I'm [C]lon[G]ely, l[F]onely this year
I'm [C]lo[G]ne[F]ly forever... But today, oh
[C]I'm the queen of the world
I bump int[Am]o things
I spin around in circl[F]es
And I am [Dm]singing
And I'm singing wel[G]l I'm singing
[C]Why can't I stay like this
Dear[Am] God
Oh, Let [F]me be young
Let me [Dm]stay please
Oh, L[G]et me stay like this Oohhoh
[C] [Am] [F] [G]  
Singing, I'm singing and I'm singing
End on C

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Am C Dm F G
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