Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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Mirror of Illusion  Hawkwind

<i></i>Mirror of Illusion
In the c[D7]old grey mask of morning [C]I cry [D7]out
But n[D7]o-one feels the s[C]ound that I s[D7]hout
and y[D7]ou don't hear me through the tears you've sh[C]ed
and the dr[D7]eam-world that you've found
Will [C]one day drag you down
The m[D7]irror of illusion[C] reflects the sm[D7]ile
The w[D7]orld from your back do[C]or seems so w[D7]ide
The h[D7]ouse, so tiny it is[C] from ins[D7]ide
A b[D7]ox that you're still living in
I c[C]annot see for why
You th[D7]ink you've found perception's doors
They [C]open to a l[D7]ie
This tab is not my own work and is made by the talented folks at and
is from their collection of tabs! I am simply transferring it here for simplicities sake.

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C D7
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