Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
Update 25:10. 13:00. Site is back up running again. Songbooks are recovered. Woring on getting search back up..

Magnu  Hawkwind

M[E]agnu, horse with the golden m[F]ane
I w[E]ant your help yet once ag[D]ain
W[E]alk not the Earth but fly through sp[F]ace
As l[E]ightning flash or thunders r[D]ace
Sw[E]ift as the arrow from the b[F]ow
C[E]ome to me so that n[D]o one can know
S[E]unbeams are my shafts to k[F]ill
[E]All men who dare imagine [D]ill
Dec[E]eit that fears the light of d[F]ay
Fl[E]y from the glory of my r[D]ay
G[E]ood minds open and take new l[F]ight
Unt[E]il we diminish by the reign of n[D]ight
[F#]A burning brand was seen to fall
[Bb]It lit the darkness of the hall
Fl[D]ying hoofbeats circling in
C[D]ome to me and let us spin
This tab is not my own work and is made by the talented folks at and
is from their collection of tabs! I am simply transferring it here for simplicities sake.

Important: The song above is NOT stored on the Chordie server. The original song is hosted at Chordie works as a search engine and provides on-the-fly formatting. Chordie does not index songs against artists'/composers' will. To remove this song please click here.

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Bb D E F F#
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