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I Wonder What Happened to Him  Harry Chapin

[D] [Am7]  
[Verse 1] 
[D]I'm the green young ge[D/C#]ntleman
And you're the l[Bm]ady with the [Bm/A]past
I [Bm/G#]admit I'm ins[G6]ecure about
[Em/F#]How long [Em]we will [Asus]last[A]
[Verse 2] 
I s[D]ort through in my [D/C#]mind
The li[Bm]ttle that I [Bm/A]know
But the [Bm/G#]only thing I f[G]ind
From [Em/F#]where my m[Em]usings [Asus]go[A]
[Verse 3] 
Is t[G]hat kind of con[A]fusion
That just ma[D]kes more qu[D/C#]estions c[Bm]ome[Bm/A]
About the w[Em]ild and shady [Bbdim]world
That you m[Bm]ust have wandered [Bm/A]from
[Verse 4] 
You see I h[G]ave no real comp[A]laints
Of how you've l[D]eft your [D/C#]past be[Bm]hind[Bm/A]
I g[Em]uess what gets me w[Bbdim]orried
Is you've er[Bm]ased him from your [Bm/A]mind[Em] [Asus] [A]
I wo[D]nder what h[Bm6/D]appened to [F#m]him[C9]
Your p[G]ast is a ca[A]nyon
And I'm a str[D]anger [D/C#]on the [Ddim/6]rim
Lo[F#m]oking down b[C9]elow to where it's mi[G]sty and [Ddim/6]dim
[Verse 5] 
But wh[D]ere there's still s[Bm6/D]hining
A f[F#m]aint glow from a l[C9]ight
It makes me wo[G]nder where [A]he is
To[D]night [Am7]

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A Am7 Asus Bbdim Bm Bm/A Bm/G# Bm6/D C9 D D/C# Em Em/F# F#m G G6
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