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This Is A Happy Song  Hale

Song Title: This is a Happy Song
Tuning: Standard Tuning
Intro: (D - Em - G, Bm-A) 2x
Ohhhh.. Ohhh..
[G]I believe I'm f[Bm]alling
[G]I believe I'm falling for [D]you
[G]This is now or n[Bm]ever
[G]Cause everyday I'm lon[D]ging for you
[G]Everynight, everyday, e[Bm]very step of the way
[G]Every move that you've made, e[Bm]very word that you s[D]ay
[G]I'm giving you a wa[Bm]rning
[G]This is the incredible tr[D]uth
And I [G]guess
This is l[D]ove
That I f[G]eel
And I'm [Bm]fal[-]li[A]ng for you
You're the[G] song
In my h[D]ead
And it f[G]eels
That I'm fa[Bm]lli[-]ng[A] for you
Interlude: (D - Em - G, Bm-A) 2x
Ohhh.. Ohhh..
[G]Floating like a fe[Bm]ather
[G]Pull me down I'm s[D]tuck in the clouds
[G]There's no stormy we[Bm]ather
[G]That can stop me from co[D]ming to you
[G]Everynight, everyday, e[Bm]very step of the way
[G]Every move that you've made, e[Bm]very word that you s[D]ay
[G]This is my fair wa[Bm]rning
[G]Belive me now i'm te[D]lling the truth
And I [G]guess
This is l[D]ove
That I f[G]eel
And I'm [Bm]fal[-]li[A]ng for you
You're the[G] song
In my h[D]ead
And it f[G]eels
That I'm fa[Bm]lli[-]ng[A] for you
Adlib: (D - Em - G, Bm-A) 2x
And I know
This is real
What we feel
I have fallen for you
You're the w[G]armth
In my he[D]art
[G]Now I'm sure
I have f[Bm]all[-]en[A] for you
Interlude: (D - Em - G, Bm-A) 2x
[D]This is love
[Em]This is love
[G]This is love
I have[Bm] fa[-]ll[A]en for you
- end -
comments & suggestions pM n lng sa frndster!!
good day!!

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A Bm D Em G
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