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She Loves to Ride Horses  Guy Clark

(Verse 1)
[G]Two shots of wild turkey puts the w[C]ind in her hair
[D]bound and determined as the c[C]old morning air
If you don't like horses I su[C]ggest you stay home,
[D]she don't ride double, get a horse of your [G]own
[G]She loves to ride ho[C]rses,
[C]she doesn't c[G]are, how long it will t[D]ake her,
[D]or if she ever gets t[G]here,
she ain't got no r[C]eason
a[C]nd she don't need no rh[G]yme,
[G]she just loves to ride h[D]orses in three quarter t[G]ime.
(Verse 2)
[G]Ahh ya can.t tell her noth'n, she d[C]on't wanna know
[D]Ya can't take her no where, s[D]he don't wanna go
[G]She might not show up, [C]she might not go
[D]She loves to ride horses and that's about [G]all.
[G]She loves to ride ho[C]rses,
[C]she doesn't c[G]are, how long it will t[D]ake her,
[D]or if she ever gets t[G]here,
she ain't got no r[C]eason
a[C]nd she don't need no rh[G]yme,
[G]she just loves to ride h[D]orses in three quarter t[G]ime.

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