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Night Nurse  Gregory Isaacs

"night nurse" by gregory isaacs
chords ( Am, G )
[Am]Tell her[Am] try you[G]r best [G]
just to make it quick
Whom attend to the sick
'Cause there must be something she can do
This heart is broken in two
Tell her it's a case of emergency
There's a patient by the name of Gregory
[Am]Night nu[Am]rse[G] [G]
Only you alone can quench this Jah thirst
My night nurse, oh gosh
Oh the pain it's getting worse
[Am]I don't [Am]wanna se[G]e no doc[G]
I need attendence from my nurse around the clock
'Cause there's no prescription for me
She's the one, the only remedy
[Am]Night nu[Am]rse[G] [G]
Only you alone can quench this Jah thirst
My night nurse
Oh the pain it's getting worse
I hurt my love
[Am]I don't [Am]wanna se[G]e no doc[G]
I need attendence from my nurse around the clock
'Cause there's no prescription for me
She's the one, the only remedy
[Am]Night nurse[Am] [G] [G]
Only you alone can quench this Jah thirst
My night nurse
Oh the pain it's getting worse
I hurt my love
[Am]And I'm sur[Am]e No doctor [G]can cure[G]
Night nurse Night nurse

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Am G
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