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I Wish  Graham Coxon

[A]I wish the music would play by it[F#]self[C]
[A]Shredded fin[F#]gers -[E] n[A]o ide[F#]as[E]
[A]I wish this rainy day could be the [F#]last[C]
[A]Could the world [F#]end -[E] w[A]hat a God [F#]send[E]
[A]I wish I could stop wishing you were [F#]here [C]
[A]F#ut I don't want[F#] to [E]- [A]cos I still want[F#] you[E]
[A]I wish I didn't feel so flippin' [F#]mad [C]
[A]Don't wanna scare [F#]you -[E] j[A]ust wanna love [F#]you[E]
[A]I wish my life could last a thousand [F#]years[C]
[A]Then I'd be cle[F#]ver -[E] a[A]nd build a hea[F#]ven[E]
[A]I wish I could bring Nick Drake back to [F#]life[C]
[A]He'd under[F#]stand [E]- [A]hold my hat [F#]hand[E]
[A]I wish a constant streA of happy s[F#]h*t[C]
[A]Live fore[F#]ver -[E] i[A]n world of lea[F#]ther[E]
[A]I wish the rain would just leave me a[F#]lone [C]
[A]I can't wear [F#]that [E]- [A]stupid rain [F#]hat[E]
[A]I wish I was in Californ-I-[F#]A[C]
[A]Perno per[F#]fume -[E] i[A]n the Dan[F#]ube[E]
[A]I wish the thing of love meant just one [F#]thing[C]
[A]Cinderel[F#]la -[E] s[A]almonel[F#]la[E]

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