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Winning Streak  Glen Hansard

Very simplified intro:
 3|-----------------------------| etc..

[D/A] [-] [A]  
Th[D/A]roug[-]h [A]summers long and wi[D/A]nter[-]s [A]cold,
may you [D/A]alwa[-]ys[A] have someone goo[D/A]d to[-] h[A]old
And may goo[E]d fortune wait on every [F#m]bend[-] [D]
And[A] may your winning streak, [D/A]may [-]it[A] never end
So[D/A] rol[-]l [A]the dice, boy, caus[D/A]e my[-] m[A]oney's on you,
ta[D/A]ke m[-]y [A]advice now and put [D/A]your[-] m[A]oney down too
because ther[E]e's something in the eye you just can't pr[F#m]eten[-]d[D]
And[A] may your winning streak, [D/A]may [-]it[A] never end
And may the s[D]ign of the Southern C[A]ross
Be some com[E]fort to you when you're [F#m]lost
And may the d[D]evil's evil e[A]ye pass you[E] by[E7]
W[D/A]ell [-]it[A]'s not for glory, I[D/A] tel[-]l [A]you true
T[D/A]hat [-]I [A]do these things I d[D/A]o fo[-]r [A]you
But for a p[E]romise I made now I must[F#m] def[-]en[D]d
An[A]d may your winning streak,[D/A] may[-] i[A]t never end
Whoohoo part is played the same way
And m[D]ay the sign of the cross be some comfort to you when you're lost
He[A]lp you when you're all broke down
[E]May the spirit of your good brethren turn you [F#m]around
An[D]d may the devil's evil eye pass you right by
Do[A]n't you look back my friend
An[E]d may the sisters of good charity take[E7] you in
Thro[D/A]ugh [-]su[A]mmers long and wint[D/A]ers [-]co[A]ld,
May yo[D/A]u al[-]wa[A]ys have someone g[D/A]ood [-]to[A] hold
And may goo[E]d fortune wait on every [F#m]bend[-] [D]
And[A] may your winning streak, [D/A]may [-]it[A] never end
And[A] may your winning streak, [D/A]may [-]it[A] never end
And[A] may your winning streak, [D/A]may [-]it[A] never end

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A D E E7 F#m
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