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Come Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy  Fernando Ortega

Verse 1: Male:
[F#m]Come ye sinners poor and needy weak and wounded sick and sore; Jesus ready
stands to save you full of pity love and pow'r
I will a[D]rise and [A]go to Jesus[F#m] he will emb[Dmaj7]race me [A]in his arm[C#]s
[F#m] in the [Dmaj7]arms of [E]my dear[Dmaj7] sav-i[E]or[F#m] O there [Dmaj7]are ten [C#m]thousand ch[F#m]arms
Verse 2: Male:
[F#m] Come ye [E]thirsty [F#m]come and [E]wel[F#m]come God's free [E]bounty g[A]lori[C#]fy; [F#m]True belief
and t[E]rue [F#m]repentance Every [D/F#]grace that [C#m]brings you ni[F#m]gh
Verse 3: Female:
[C#m]Come ye [A]weary [E]heavy laden, [C#m]Lost and [A]ruined [E]by the f[Ab]all; [C#m]If you tarry '[B]til
you're [A]bett[B]er [C#m]you will n[A]ever [Abm]come at [C#m]all
[C#m]I will a[A]rise and [E]go to Jesus[C#m] He will e[A]mbrace me [E]in his a[Ab]rms; [C#m] In the a[A]rms
of [B]my dear [A]savior[C#m] O there [A]are ten [Ab]thou[Abm]sand cha[C#m]rms
Verse 4: Male:
[F#m]View him p[D]rostrate [A]in the garden[F#m] on the g[D]round your [A]maker l[C#m]ies;[F#m] on the
[Dmaj7]bloody t[E]ree beho[D]ld [E]him [F#m]sinner will this[C#m] not suff[F#m]ice
Verse 5: Male
[F#m]Lo the inc[D]arnate [A]God ascended[F#m] Pleads the [D]merit [A]of his blo[C#]od [F#m]Venture on him
[E]venture w[D]holly [F#m]let no [D]other t[C#m]rust intr[F#m]ude
Refrain: Female:
[C#m]I will ari[A]se and [E]go to Jesus[C#m] He will embr[A]ace me [E]in his a[Ab]rms [C#m]in the [A]arms of
[B]my dear [A]savio[B]r
[C#m]In the a[A]rms of [B]my dear [A]savi[B]or
[C#m]in the a[A]rms of [B]my dear [A]savio[B]r
[C#m]O there [Amaj7]are ten
[Abm]thousand cha[C#m]rms
(if you need any help on chords which you probably will, go to

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A Ab Abm Amaj7 B C# C#m D D/F# Dmaj7 E F#m
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