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Wake Up Little Susie  The Everly Brothers


WAKE UP LITTLE SUSIE- The Everly Brothers
[D] [F] [G] [F] [D] [F] [G] [F] [D] [F] [G] [F] [D] [F] [G] [F] 
[D]Wake up little Susie, wake [F]up[G] [F]
[D]Wake up little Susie, wake [F]up[G] [F]
The mo[G]vie w[D]asn't so h[G]ot, it d[G]idn't have m[D]uch of a p[G]lot
We f[G]ell as[D]leep, our go[G]ose is co[D]oked, our rep[G]uta[D]tion is s[G]hot
Wake up little S[A]usie[G], wake up li[A]ttle Susie
W[A]hat are you gonna t[G]ell your ma[A]mma?
W[A]hat are you gonna t[G]ell your p[A]a?
A G A N.C.
What are we gonna tell our friends when they say "ooh la la"?
Wake up little Sus[D]ie,[A] wake up little Su[D]sie
Well I to[D]ld your momma that you'd be home by ten
Well now Su[G]sie baby looks like we goofed again
A G A (N.C.) D F G F
Wake up little Susie, wake up little Susie, we gotta go home
W[D]ake up little Susie, wake u[F]p,[G] [F] wa[D]ke up little Susie, wake u[F]p[G] [F]
We b[G]oth fell s[D]ound asl[G]eep, wake [G]up little Su[D]sie and w[G]eep
The mov[G]ie's ov[D]er, it's fo[G]ur o'clo[D]ck and we[G]'re in tr[D]ouble de[G]ep
Wake up little Su[A]sie[G], wake up li[A]ttle Susie...CHORUS

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