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Signs of Life  Crown the Empire

[Intro and Verse] 
[A#m] [F#] [G#]  
I fill these b[Am]ones [F#] with hollow pr[G#]omises
I can [A#m]feel the world ou[F#]tside under my skin[G#]
And all these w[A#m]alls [F#] are slowly caving [G#]in
I would c[A#m]limb if I could f[F#]ind my way again[G#]
It feels[A#m] so cl[F#]ose, yet so far g[G#]one
It feels[A#m] so cl[F#]ose, but still
I'm looking for a [A#m]sign of l[F#]ife behind the s[G#]ky
Is [A#m]anybo[C#]dy there?
Does an[F#]ybody c[G#]are?
A [A#m]sign of l[F#]ife to redef[G#]ine
Is [A#m]anybo[C#]dy there?
Cause [F#]I just need a s[G#]ign of life
A#m F# G# (x2)
Can I go [A#m]on, [F#] lost without a tr[G#]ace?
Am I af[A#m]raid to hold the li[F#]ght and lead the way?[G#]
I may be w[A#m]rong, [F#] another face without a n[G#]ame
But I'm a[A#m]live and I ca[F#]n see I'm not the same[G#]
It feels[A#m] so cl[F#]ose, yet so far g[G#]one
It feels[A#m] so cl[F#]ose, but still
I'm looking for a [A#m]sign of l[F#]ife behind the s[G#]ky
Is [A#m]anybo[C#]dy there?
Does an[F#]ybody c[G#]are?
A [A#m]sign of l[F#]ife to redef[G#]ine
Is [A#m]anybo[C#]dy there?
Cause [F#]I just need a s[G#]ign of life
A#m F# G# (x2)
[A#m] I'm looking for a w[F#]ay out, cause I'm way out and I'm [G#]on my own
[A#m] I'm looking for a w[F#]ay out, cause I'm way out and I'm [G#]on my own
[A#m] I'm looking for a w[F#]ay out, cause I'm way out and I'm [G#]on my own
[A#m] I'm looking for a w[F#]ay out, cause I'm way out
I'm looking for a s[A#m]ign of l[C#]ife beh[F#]ind our e[G#]yes
Is [A#m]anybo[C#]dy there? Does an[F#]ybody care?[G#]
[Final Cborus and Outro] 
A [A#m]sign of l[F#]ife to redef[G#]ine
Is [A#m]anybo[C#]dy there?
Does an[F#]ybody c[G#]are?
A [A#m]sign of l[F#]ife behind our e[G#]yes
Is [A#m]anybod[C#]y there?
I'm fi[F#]ghting for a si[G#]gn of life
[A#m] (A[F#] sign, a sign)[G#]
[A#m] (A[F#] sign, a sign)[G#]
A#m F# F# (single strums)

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A#m Am C# F# G#
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