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Myrrh  The Church


Myrrh (Church)
[Am]A D A [/]E D [G]A C [/]B C B G] x6 [Am] [/] [/] [/] ] x4
[Am] Emerald haunt in [Em]overdrive[F#] [G]
Nightmare descent into Jericho City
Camel dust heralds our arrival
New Christ beneath the drum kit moon
[F] Oh lord we are thr[G]eatened again
In the slipstream pull of the federal men
Plummet in some seamless night
Down here to earth it's hopeless then
[Am] Apache gunmen in the b[Em]oiling cr[F#]owd[G]
Who never got to meet you last time
We're interrupted by the telephone
You didn't think they were invented then
[F] Oh lord we need m[G]iracles
We need more wine and gold
We need slaves and roads and personal favours
We need microphones and manifolds
[F#m]How can you be so inv[E]isible, [F#m]give me the nerves to s[E]ee
[A] Privilege on pr[D]ivilege[F#m], an unwanted disc[E]overy
[Am] [Em] [F#] [G] ] x4
[F] [G] ] x4
So now we're cr[Am]uising down this sh[Em]uddering h[F#]ighw[G]ay
With a dead sun shining on my back
And we talk about the way people treat us back there
The hollow laughter the pain in their eyes
[F] Oh my lord I tr[G]ust your intentions
But money strangles our love
Struggling like a fool with my junk and my jewels
You would have thought I'd had enough
[F#m]How can you be so inv[E]isible, [F#m]give me the nerves to s[E]ee
[A] Privilege on pr[D]ivilege[F#m], an unwanted disc[E]overy
[Am] [Em] [F#] [G] ] x4
[F] [G] ] x4
[F#m]How can you be so inv[E]isible, [F#m]give me the nerves to s[E]ee
[A] Privilege on pr[D]ivilege[F#m], an unwanted disc[E]overy
[Am] [Em] [F#] [G] ] x4
[F] [G] ] x4
 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Put your problems out with the cat -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Must be lamb today cause beef was last week =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

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A Am D E Em F F# F#m G
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