7x70 Chris August
7x70 Chris August
Intro (Piano)
C F Am G x 2
Verse 1
[F]I�??ve been living in this house here
[Am]Since the day that I was[G] born
[F]These walls have seen me happy
[Am]But most of all they�??ve seen m[G]e torn
[Am]They�??ve heard the screaming matches
[G]That made a family fall apart
[C]They�??ve had a front row seat
[G]To the breaking of my heart
Chorus 1
[C]7 times [F]70 times
[Am]I�??ll do what it takes to make [G]it right
[C]I thought the pain was here to s[F]tay
But forg[Am]iveness made a w[G]ay
[C]7 times [F]70 times
[Am]There�??[G]s healing in the air tonight
[C]I�??m reaching u[F]p to pull it down
[Am]Gonna wr[G]ap it al[C]l around
(After Verse 2�??s chorus, return to Bridge)
Verse 2
[F]I remember running down the hallway
[Am]Playing hide-and-s[G]eek
[F]I didn�??t know that I was searching
[Am]For someone to notice me[G]
[Am]I felt alone and undiscovered
[G]And old enough to understand
[C]Just when I�??m s�??posed to be learning to love you
[G]Let me doubt again
Back to Chorus 1
[C]I lost count of the ways you let me down
[F]But no matter how many times you weren�??t aro[Am]und
[G]I�??m all right now
[C]God picked up my heart and helped me through
[F]And shined a light on the one thing l[Am]eft to do
[F]And that�??s forgive you
[G]I forgive you
Chorus 2
[C]7 times [F]70 times
[Am]If that�??s the cost I�??ll pa[G]y the price
[C]7 times [F]70 times
[Am]I�??ll do what it takes to make [G]it right
[C]I thought the pain was here to s[F]tay
[Am]But forgiveness made a w[G]ay
[C]7 times [F]70 times
[Am]There�??s healing in this [G]house tonight
[C]I�??m reaching u[F]p to pull it down
[Am]Gonna wr[G]ap it al[C]l around
I�??m[Am] gonna [G]wrap[C] it all around
[F]I�??ve been living in this house here
[Am]Since the day that I was[G] born
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