Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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In the Garden  Brad Paisley

Okay, this is how i play it. I don't strum this at all, I just pick it with
my fingers.The D/F# i wasn't sure if you need to play or just hit
the bass. Some of the D's might be D7's but i couldn't really tell.
Well, hope you have fun with it.
I c[G]ome to the garden alone
While the d[C]ew is still on the r[G]oses
And the v[D]oice I hear falling [G]on[(D/F#)] my ear[E]
The son[A] o[A7]f God [D]discloses
And he w[G]alks with me and he ta[D]lks with me
And he te[Am]lls me I[D] am his ow[G]n[D]
And the j[G]oy we sh[B7]are as we t[Em]arr[D]y [C]there
None ot[G]her has [D]ever kn[G]own[D]
[G] [B7] [Em] [C]  
[G] [D] [G] [D]  
He s[G]peaks and the sound of his voice
Is so [C]sweet that the birds hush their [G]singing
And the m[D]elody that he [G]ga[(D/F#)]ve to m[E]e
Withi[A]n m[A7]y heart is ringi[D]ng
And the j[G]oy we sh[B7]are as we t[Em]arry th[C]ere
None ot[G]her has e[D]ver kn[C]own[G]

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A A7 Am B7 C D E Em G
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