Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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Way Out West  Big Star


Here's my first post--the chords to "Way Out West" from Big Star's second
album, _Radio City_. Let me know if this sounds right, or if you have any
corrections to the lyrics, which are probably not exactly right.
[A]She's a schemer and she makes me [E]mad
But I lo[F#m]ve her a lot those [A]lonely ni[E]ghts
I was i[F#m]n a big room, pla[E]ying my things
Oh, I w[D]ish she were here
She can [A]be so ki[E]nd
When she's [F#m]not trying to h[E]ide
She [D]tries not to love me but she [A]knows she [E]can
And [A]Why don't you come on [E]back from way out [F#m]west
And [Bm]love me we can work o[E]ut the rest
She thinks she's a mystery to all
But I know what's behind those eyes
Sometimes I think she'll make me forget
What I need most to remember
And then I'll slip on back
Even if they say it's better

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A Bm D E F#m
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