Thank You Friends Big Star
[G] [D] [C] [G]
[G]Thank you, fr[Em]iends
[C]Wouldn't be here if it wasn't for y[G]ou
[G]I'm so gr[Em]ateful
[A]For all the things you helped me [C]do
[G]All the l[Em]adies and g[C]entleme[G/B]n
[D]Who made this all so pro[C]bable
[G]Thank you, fr[Em]iends
[C]I rejoice up to the sk[G]ies
[G]Dear ones like you, the [Em]best I do
[A]As far as can see my e[C]yes
[G]All the l[Em]adies and ge[C]ntleme[G/B]n
[D]Who made this all so pro[C]bable
[B]Without my friends I got c[Em]haos
[B]I'm off in a bead of l[Em]ight.
[B]Without my friends I'm s[Em]wept up high
[C] [D]
[G] [D] [C] [G]
[G] [Em] [C] [G]
[G] [Em] [A] [C]
[G]All the l[Em]adies and g[C]entleme[G/B]n
[G]All the l[Em]adies and g[C]entleme[G/B]n
[G]All the l[Em]adies and g[C]entleme[G/B]n
[D]Who made this all so pro[C]bable
[G]Thank y[D]ou, fri[C]ends (t[D]hank you, again)
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