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Gone  Asking Alexandria

[Dm] [Dm/F] [G7] [Bbmaj7/D] [A7] [Bbmaj7/D] [A] [Gm7] [A+] [A+] [Bbmaj7] [A7] [Gm7] [A+] [Bb] 

Verse 1:
Every d[Dm]ay I a[Dm/F]wake
I await my fa[G7]te as the s[Bbmaj7/D]ky turns blue to g[A7]rey
Now I understand it [Bbmaj7/D]might be my last day[A]
[Gm7]Might be [A+]my last -
[Bmaj7]Now I understand it might be my last day[A7]
[Gm7]Might be [A+]my last [Bb]day
[Bb]So what am I supposed to do n[C]ow I've reached the [Dm7]end?
[Gm7] And if I gained another cha[C]nce, would you [Dbdim]still be [F]there?
Please don't be lonely when I'm [Dm7]gone
I've been so sad for far too l[Bb]ong
And as I gently slip a[C]way, this [Cdim]song will always [F]stay
Please don't be lonely when I'm [Dm7]gone
I've been so sad for far too l[Bb]ong
And as I gently slip a[C]way, this [Cdim]song will always [F]stay[Dm7]
Verse 2:
[-] [Bbmaj7/D] [A7] [Gm7] [A+] [Bb]  
 For no------------w, this is my goodbye

[Bb]So what am I supposed to do n[C]ow I've reached the [Dm7]end?
[Gm7] And if I gained another cha[C]nce, would you [Dbdim]still be [F]there?
Please don't be lonely when I'm [Dm7]gone
I've been so sad for far too l[Bb]ong
And as I gently slip a[C]way, this [Cdim]song will always [F]stay
Please don't be lonely when I'm [Dm7]gone
I've been so sad for far too l[Bb]ong
And as I gently slip a[C]way, this [Cdim]song will always [F]stay

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A A+ A7 Bb Bbmaj7 Bbmaj7/D Bmaj7 C Cdim Dbdim Dm Dm/F Dm7 F G7 Gm7
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