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Easier to Lie  Aqualung

Capo 2
[A]To bear the we[E]ight
[F#m]and push into the [E]sky
[F#m]it's easier to [Dsus2]lie
[D]it's easier to l[A]ie
[A]And honestly[E]
[F#m]to look you in [E]the eye
[F#m]it's easier to [Dsus2]lie
[D]it's easier to l[A]ie
[A]To be the o[E]ne
[F#m]to be the onl[E]y one
[F#m]something has to [Dsus2]give a lot
[D]something has to[E] give a lot
[A]And who am[E] I
[F#m]to give you wha[E]t you need
[Dsus2]when I'm learn[E]ing
[Dsus2]just learnin[E]g
[E]Learning how t[Dsus2]o live and
[A]To bear the we[E]ight
[F#m]and push into th[E]e sky
[F#m]it's easier to [Dsus2]lie
[D/F]it's easier to[A] lie
[A]And honestly[E]
[F#m]to look you in t[E]he eye
[F#m]it's easier to l[Dsus2]ie
[D]it's easier to l[A]ie
[A]To fill [E]the space
[F#m]the space [E]you made for me
[F#m]try to be the one[E] you want
[D/F]try to be the one[E] you want
[A]And mayb[E]e I
[F#m]could be[E] the one you need
[Dsus2]if you'd o[E]nly
[Dsus2]show m[E]e
[E]Show me how to [Dsus2]live and
[A]How to bear th[E]e weight
[F#m]and push into the[E] sky
[F#m]it's easier to [Dsus2]lie
[D]it's easier to l[A]ie
[A]And do what's ri[E]ght
[F#m]when everything is[E] wrong
[F#m]it's easier to[E] run
[D]it's easier to
[A]Never ha[E]ve
[F#m]to look you in th[E]e eye
[F#m]it's easier to l[E]ie
[D]it's easier to [A]lie
[A]To bear the we[E]ight
[F#m]and push into th[E]e sky
[F#m]it's easier to [E]lie

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A D D/F Dsus2 E F#m
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