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Takin' the Country Back  John Anderson

Sung By: John Anderson
Let's take the country back!!
Intro: D C G (x2)?
[D] [C] [G] 
[D] Goin' down to Muscle Shoals * Where the swamp water rhythm
[C] [G] 
[D] flows * Live the only way I know * I'm just a common man * Headed
down to Texas way * Where the honky to[C]nk heroes play *[G] Gonna find[D]
[C] [G] 
[D] that lost highway * That's where I'll make a stand *
Ta[D]kin' the country back * It's high time we[C] face the [G]facts * Heart [D]and
[G] soul slip[D]pin' through the cracks * We're takin' the country back *
[C] [G] 
[D] Takin' the country back * We're not sure just where it's at * We've
[G] got to ge[D]t it back on track * We're takin' the country back *
(same chords as above)
Bright lights and limousines * Fame and fortune I have seen * Still
searchin' for that dream * It's callin' me back home * Down to earth
where the music's real * Singin' 'bout what the people feel * Timeless
truth, now that's the deal * We got to pass in on, y'all * (Chorus x 3)
(after 3 chorus)
[D] [C] [G] [D] [C] [G] 
[D] We're takin' the country back * Takin' the country on back *

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