Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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Your Love  Alamid

Intro: Em hold

[G]You're the on[D]e who never l[C]et me sleep
[G]Through my mind and thro[D]ugh my soul,
You to[C]uch my lips
[G]You're the on[D]e that I can't w[C]ait to see
[G]When you're here by my [D]side, I'm in ec[C]stacy
[Em]I'm a[D]ll alone without[C] you
[Em]But days are d[D]ark without the [C]glimpse of you
[Am7]Now that you come into[G/B] my life
I f[C]eel complete
[Am7]The flowers bloom, the m[G/B]orning shines and [C]I can see
[G]Your lo[D]ve is like the [Em]sun
That li[C]ghts up my whole w[G]orld
I f[D]eel the warmth ins[Em-C]ide
[G]Your l[D]ove is like a ri[Em]ver
That fl[C]ows down through my ve[G]ins
I f[D]eel the chill insi[Em-C]de
Filler: Em-D-C-; (2x)
[G]Everyt[D/F#]ime I hear mu[C]sic played
Remin[G]ds me of the t[D/F#]hings that we've been thr[C]ough
[G]In my [D/F#]mind I can't bel[C]ieve it's true
But [G]in my heart, the re[D/F#]ality is y[C]ou
Repeat Refrain
Repeat Chorus 2x
Interlude: Fm7-Em-Am-Fm7-D-C hold; (2x)
/F#./G./D, /C./B.,
/C, /D, /E, /F#, /G, /A
Ad lib: (Do chorus chords)
Repeat chorus to fade
Illustrated Chords
G/B x20003
D/F# 2x0232

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Am7 C D D/F# Em Em-C G G/B
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