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All Out of Love  Air Supply

| [C]/ / / / | [G/B] / / / / | [F/A] / / / / | [F]/ / [G4]/ [G]/ |
| [C]/ / / / | [G/B] / / / / | [F/A] / / / / | [F]/ / [G4]/ [G]/ |
|[Csus2] /__/[C] / / / |[Csus2] /__/[C] / / / |
[Verse 1] 
I'm [F/C]lying alone with my h[C]ead on the phone,
Th[F/C]inking of you 'til it h[C]urts,
I [F/C]know you hurt too, but what [G/B]else can we [G]do?
[G/B]Tor - m[F/A]ented and torn a - [Fmaj7]part![G4] [G]
[Verse 2] 
I [F/C]wish I could carry your sm[C]ile in my heart,
For t[F/C]imes when my life seems so [C]...low,
It would [F/C]make me believe what to[G/B]morrow could b[G]ring,
[G/B]When to - [F/A]day doesn't [Fmaj7]really k[F]now,
Doesn't re[G4]ally k[G]now!
I'm a[C]ll out of love, I'm [G/B]so lost without you,
I [F/A]know you were right, be - li[F]eving for [G]so long,[G/B]
I'm a[C]ll out of love, what [G/B]am I without you?
I [F/A]can't be too late to s[F]ay that I [G]was [G/B]so wr[C]ong![C4] [C] [Csus2] [C]
[Verse 3] 
I [F/C]want you to come back, and car[C]ry me home,
A - [F/C]way from these long lonely n[C]ights,[Csus2] [C]
I'm [F/C]reaching for you, are you fe[G/B]eling it t[G]oo?
[G/B]Does the fe[F/A]eling seem, oh, so [Fmaj7]right?[G4] [G]
[Verse 4] 
And [F/C]what would you say, if I [Csus2]call-e[C]d on you now?
And [F/C]said that I can't hold [Csus2]on----[C]-,
There's [F/C]no easy way, it gets h[G/B]arder each [G]day,
P[G/B]lease, [F/A]love me, or [Fmaj7]I'll be g[F]one, I'll be g[G4]one![G]
I'm[Csus2] all--[C]- out of love, I'm [G/B]so lost without you,
I [F/A]know you were right, be - li[F]eving for [G]so long,[G/B]
I'm a[C]ll out of love, what [G/B]am I without you?
I [F/A]can't be too late to s[F]ay that I w[G]as [G/B] so wr[C]ong!
[(C)] [(Em/B)]  
 e |----------------------|
 B |----------------------|
 G |----------------------|
 D |----0-h2--------0-h2--|
 A |--3------3-2-h3-------|
 E |----------------------|

[Am] [Em7] [F]  
 Oh------, what are you thinking of?

[F] [Em] [Dm]What are you t[D4]hink - [Dm]ing [Am]of?[Asus2]
W[Em7]hat are you thinking o[F]f?
[F] [Em] [Dm] [D4] [Dm] [Fmaj7] [G] [Fmaj7] [G]  
 What are you think - ing ...of-----------------?

I'm a[C]ll out of love, I'm [G/B]so lost without you,
I [F/A]know you were right, be - li[F]eving for s[G]o long,[G/B]
I'm a[C]ll out of love, what [G/B]am I without you?
I [F/A]can't be too late, I k[F]now I was [G]so wrong![G/B]
I'm a[C]ll out of love, I'm [G/B]so lost without you,
I [F/A]know you were right, be - li[F]eving for [G]so long,[G/B]
I'm a[C]ll out of love, what [G/B]am I without you?
I [F/A]can't be too late, I k[F]now I was [G]so wrong![G/B]
I'm a[C]ll out of love, I'm [G/B]so lost without you,
I [F/A]know you were right, be - li[F]eving for [G]so long,[G/B]
I'm a[C]ll out of love, what [G/B]am I with - [G4]out y[G]ou?
[F/A] [F] [G] [C] [C4] [C]  
 I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong--------!

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Am Asus2 C C4 Csus2 D4 Dm Em Em7 F F/C Fmaj7 G G/B G4
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