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Buckaroo  Lee Ann Womack

Lee Ann Womack - Buckaroo
Intro - D
(verse 1)
[D]I ain't looking for a smart guy, school guy,
[D]Some proud in crowd decked out necktie,
[G]I need a man who can ta[A]me a wild m[D]usta[G]ng,
[G]Knows the difference between l[A]ove and a lu[D]st th[G]ing,
somebody who l[A]ooks a whole l[D]ot like y[G]ou,
Bu[A]cka r[D]oo,
(verse 2)
[D]Ain't interested in a yes mam yes man,
[D]I'll pass on the politically correct man,
[G]I'm set on fencin' a de[A]sp[D]era[G]do,
[G]Takes my breath away like C[A]ol[D]ora[G]do,
[G]Who ain't afraid to w[A]alk a mile in [Bm]my b[G]oots,
Bu[A]cka r[D]oo,
[Bb]Heaven kn[F]ows wh[C]at I might [G]do,
[Bb]If I had me a co[F]wboy like [A]you,
Bucka r[D]oo,
 (lead chords - D - G - C - D - G - C - D - F - G - A)

(verse 3)
[D]Don't have to wow me like a long beard Shakespeare,
[D]Just talk plain talk right here in my ear,
[G]If you aspire to sop[A]histicat[D]ion,
[G]I'll tell you now you're in the wro[A]ng loc[D]ation,
[G]Get out of here before this co[A]untry girl gets to y[G]ou,
[G]But if you like sunset on the pa[A]inted de[D]sert,
[G]The Lone Ranger and spa[A]ghetti wes[D]terns,
[G]I'll tell you right now I[A]'m the one for y[G]ou,
[A] [D]  

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A Bb Bm C D F G
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