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Time for Me to Come Home  Blake Shelton

Time For Me To Come Home (feat. Dorothy Shackleford)
Blake Shelton
Intro: D A E A A
[A]There's music in the city
And li[D]ghts are on disp[A]lay
There's a b[D]ig ol tree for a[A]ll to see
Where the chi[B]ldren run and p[E]lay
[A]I look out my window so[D]methin' just don't seem r[A]ight
Til I s[D]aid hello and he[A]ard her voice on the ot[E]her end of the l[A]ine
[A]Now it's Christmas, Christmas I'm hu[D]rrying' on my w[A]ay
Christmas, Christmas, like I'm ri[B]ding in a one horse sl[E]eigh
Well, I do[A]n't have to hear no jingle bells, just the ri[D]nging of the ph[B]one
M[A]ama called and said it's time f[E]or me come on h[A]ome
[A]The pies are in the oven
You can a[D]lmost taste the a[A]ir
It wa[D]rms my heart to f[A]eel her love
And k[B]now how much she ca[E]res
It's fu[A]nny how going back can get you b[D]ack to where you bel[A]ong
It's the di[D]fference between just a me[A]lody and my fa[E]vorite Christmas s[A]ong
[A]Well, it's Christmas, Christmas I'm hu[D]rrying' on my w[A]ay
Christmas, Christmas, like I'm ri[B]ding in a one horse sl[E]eigh
Well, I d[A]on't have to hear no jingle bells, just the ri[D]nging of the ph[B]one
M[A]ama called and said "it's time f[E]or You come on h[A]ome"
M[A]ama just called and said "it's time f[E]or you to come ho[A]me"
Outro: D A E A A

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