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Green  Blake Shelton

Intro: E A E A
Pe[E]ople used to call me backwards
Li[A]vin' out here with the tractors
Le[E]ttin' this world leave me be[B]hind
No[E]w a days I'm an innovator
I'[A]m a country boy prognosticator
Ma[E]n, a m[B]an ahead of my t[E]ime
I got a h[A]undred acre farm
I got a J[E]ohn Deere in my barn
I got a g[B]arden in my yard full of c[E]orn, peas, and beans
I got a g[A]uitar I play unplugged
I got a h[E]ome grown girl I love
And when the s[B]ummertime hits we skinny dip in the stream
A(2strums) B(2 strums) E
I was green before green was a thing
Fill: E
Sh[E]eets on the clothes line dryin'
Re[A]dtail hawks a flyin'
A c[E]ouple of deer on the ti[B]mberline
I k[E]now a lot more about cane pole fishin' than i e[A]ver will about carbon emissions
But m[E]y little corner of the w[B]orld is doin' just f[E]ine
Yea I got a h[A]undred acre farm
I got a J[E]ohn Deere in my barn
I got a g[B]arden in my yard full of r[E]udebeka, taters, and greens
I got a g[A]uitar I play unplugged
I got a h[E]ome grown girl I love
And when the s[B]ummertime hits we skinny dip in the stream
A(2 strums) B(2 strums) E
I was green before green was a thing
A(2 strums) B(2 strums) E
I was green before green was a thing

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