Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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Capo 1st Fret / Key of "F#"
To be the f[F]irst in someone's l[Dm]ife
To [Dm7]set the [Bb]sun and raise the moon in [Fsus2]someone else's e[C]yes
To see h[F]eaven (heaven) just for a [Dm]day (heaven)
To [Dm7]hold a [Bb]moment in your arms
And nev[Fsus2]er let it slip a[C]way
To leap [Dm]off [C-Bb](ahh) a mountai[Dm]ntop [C-Bb](ahh)
And f[D#]eel the r[G#]ush of l[Bb]ove (feel the [Fsus4]rush o[Bb]f love)
To t[D#]aste that h[G#]oly k[Bb]iss (taste that[Fsus4] holy [Bb]kiss)
I could [D#]never [G#]get en[Bb]ough (never get, [Fsus4]never [Bb]get)
Of t[D#]his [G#] [Bb] [C] this r[F]ush[Bb] [C] [Csus4] [C]
This r[F]ush[Bb] [C] [Csus4] [C]
To touch the e[F]arth (to touch the earth) before you f[Dm]all (before you fall)
To [Dm7]know that h[Bb]ere and now with you remain[Fsus2]s forever after a[C]ll
To hear the b[F]eauty in disso[Dm]nance
To [Dm7]finally k[Bb]now that all our questions[Fsus2]
Make perfect s[C]ense
To break the [Dm]surface [C-Bb](ahh) And breathe t[Dm]he air [C-Bb](ahh)
And f[D#]eel the r[G#]ush of l[Bb]ove (feel the [Fsus4]rush o[Bb]f love)
To t[D#]aste that h[G#]oly k[Bb]iss (taste that[Fsus4] holy [Bb]kiss)
I could [D#]never [G#]get en[Bb]ough (never get, [Fsus4]never [Bb]get)
Of t[D#]his [G#] [Bb] [C] this r[F]ush[Bb] [C] [Csus4] [C]
(To be the first in someone's life)
Oh, this r[F]ush[Bb] [C] [Csus4] [C]
(To set the sun in someone's eyes)
I could never get en[F]ough of [Bb] [C]Oh[Csus4] [C]
(To hold forever for a day)
F Bb C Csus4 C (stop)
This rush
(And never let it slip away, this rush)
To be the f[F]irst in someone's l[Dm]ife
To [Dm7]set the [Bb]sun and raise the moon in [Fsus2]someone else's e[C]yes[Fsus2] [F]
Fsus2 - xx3011
Fsus4 - xx3311
Dm7 - xx0211
Csus4 - x32011
(Thanks to for tabs)

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Bb C Csus4 D# Dm Dm7 F Fsus2 Fsus4 G#
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