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Lonely Grill  Lonestar

Song: Lonely Grill
Artist: Lonestar
Album: Lonely Grill
From: Chris Green (
intro: Ebm, C# (riff), Ebm, C# (riff)
verse 1:
[Ebm]Box speaker talking outta tune
Two for one at the Blue Lagooon
C# (riff)
Another lost and found
[Ebm]Bartender takes another pass
Puts the salt on the rim of another glass
C# (riff)
Then he sets it down
[G#]I know every color of every [F#]neon sign
[G#]Flashin out a heartache in the [F#]back of my mind
[C#]Down at the Lonely Grill
[G#]Got nothing but time to kill
At the [F#]end of every day
[C#]I sit in a corner booth
[Bbm]Do nothing but th[B]ink of you[F#/Bb]
and the l[A]ove we threw a[B]way
[C#]And I guess I always will
G# C# (riff)
Down at the Lonely Grill
verse 2: (same progression as verse 1)
Sad eyed waitress called Betty Lynn
Got her order pad and her ball point pen
and says what'll it be
I said a tall glass of cold regret
A full order of loneliness
Like everyday this week
I'll shoulder my pride and I'll drink it down
Another smoke filled evening with no fire to be found
repeat chorus but instead of playing C# at "grill" go to F#, then repeat
from "I sit in a corner booth....." with chord changes as listed above.
Play 'riff' four times at the end of chorus.
I suggest hearing the record to be able to learn this riff that I have
been talking about. It's no biggy, but it will be tough to learn with
nothing to go on.

Here's some chord diagrams if you need them:
(standard tuning)
[Ebm] [C#] [G#] [F#] [Bbm]  
 --X-- --X-- --4-- --2-- --X--
 --6-- --4-- --6-- --4-- --1--
 --8-- --6-- --6-- --4-- --3--
 --8-- --6-- --5-- --3-- --3--
 --7-- --6-- --4-- --2-- --2--
 --6-- --4-- --4-- --2-- --1--

[A] [B]  
 --X-- --X--
 --0-- --2--
 --2-- --4--
 --2-- --4--
 --2-- --4--
 --0-- --2--

Basic stuff, right? The only tricky chord is the F#/Bb. If you don't
know what that means, it's 'F sharp with a bass note of B flat.' On the
piano it's simple. Play F# with the right hand, Bb with the left (but
only one note, not the chord of Bb). The bass player would simply play
Bb. Kinda difficult for a guitar player though. What I do is just play
F# and not worry about it, but if you want the band to sound good (if
you play in one), you need somebody covering it.
Again, to clarify things, I would listen to the track on CD or something.

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A B Bbm C# Ebm F# G#
Transpose (0)
Guitar tuning
2.75 Stars
Rate #4 of 5 versions

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