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SUMMERTIME (Gershwin) as covered by Janis Joplin
[Em]Summertime[Am7], [Em] and the [Am7]livin' is [Em]easy[Am7] [Em]
[Am7]Fish are jumpin' and the c[B7]otto[C7]n i[B7]s high
[Em]Your[Am7] dad[Em]dy's rich[Am7], and your [Em]momma's [Am7]good[Em] lookin'
[G]So hush little baby,[A7] [B7]don't you [Em]cry[Am7] [Em]
[Em]One of these mornings[Am7], [Em]you're gonna [Am7]rise up [Em]singing[Am7] [EM]
[Am7]Then you'll spread your wings and you'll [B7]take[C7] to[B7] the sky
[Em]But til[Am7]l th[Em]at morning[Am7], there's [Em]a nothin'[Am7] can[Em] harm you
[G]With daddy and [A7]mam[B7]my stan[Em]ding[Am7] by[Em]

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A7 Am7 B7 C7 Em Em G
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